Wednesday, April 22, 2009

A long Trip

This is a lesson learnt, never have friends and if you do talk to people, keep associates... not friends. I have always said that you will never find someone who is loyal to you, but you, you are the only one that can keep a secreat and not even that but you are the only one that can be truthful. I never think low of people, but what i always do is put myself above everybody else and i will always keep thinking of myself as that. For everybosy else out there who had felt like that you've been betrayed its only a phase in life and you will get past it....

Monday, April 6, 2009

There are times in life when people will come and go and as i always say, who don't make is just there to break you... there will be rough times in life cause its just a phase and all you can do is ensure that you enjoy your life to the fullest because tomorrow is promised to no one. Never listen to what people have to say, that will just ruin your life completely and as long as you know the truth, nothing else matters. Never put nobody before you, self praise is no recommendation but it sure does makes you fel damn good. Love yourself and stay true...

The world...

There are many different kinds of people in the world, those who help you , those who break you, those who really say what they mean and those who are hypocrites. Its up to you how your going to find out who is who, but incase you don't know how to, i'll help.
1) Be very patient, don't be jumpy to be anybody's friend.
2) Be very observant.
3) Never let anybody know too much about you, tell them what you want them to know, this way they have nothing to use against you.

People will always be jealous and try to ruon your lie when your's is much much better than their's, when they wanna be like you, they will try to trample you... Be true to yourself and let nobody and nothing get you down....

Who to really trust...


There are times in life where you will stumble upon rocks and paths that will stop you from doin or achieving something.... my eperience many people can learn from and use it to determine therir friends in the future...its like this, th person who i thught that i caould trust and who i called my best friend, went behind my back and tried to break up my relationship. my current boyfriend has told me time and time that my friends are jealous of me... this is how i am, as much as how my friend's boyfriends and i are freinds i dont and will NEVER pick up the phone and call him for no reason at all, my SO CALLED FRIEND now, she's always constantly calling my BF. now tell me, if she's a TRUE friend, why is she always hinding things from me. she asked my boyfriend to loan her some money and she didn't tell me, when i heard i just pretended as if i didn't know anything. One day my roomate asked him for money and he gave her, why? bcause she respects our relationship and she asked me if i was ok woth it, now if that girl was my true friend she would have done the same... use this, NEVER TRUST ANYONE CAUSE THEY WILL STAB YOU IN YOUR BACK..... loife's just a phase....