Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Alot of people are only in your life for one reason and that is to critisize you, make you look stupid and to think that they are better than yopu in so many ways. But if you know what your about, there will not be one human being that will get you down.Especially in the working world you will have to suck up to your boos because you don't wanna get fired and you would have to be the hypocrite to make your co-workers like you. This is going to be hard especially if you are not this type a person in reality...take me for examplke, im a plain straight forward person, i tell you like it is wether its going to have a positive or a negative impact on you, i'm not saying that i don't care about people's feelings but i strongly believe that you have to be the real you in order to really be liked.Coming off fake can hurt you in the long run, because eventually people are going to see that you were fake, and even if they liked that person, after finding out who you really are, they're no gonna like you very much anymore.Becareful of thise that you ar around, think before you talk and always be one step ahead of everybody,do'nt care about what people think as long as you know what you're all about you have nothing to worry about.BEing real is realest thing that anyone person can do in life and our purpose here on earth is just to be ourselves and fulfill god's duties... never be shy to be yourself because that's who you will be remembered as when your if u were fake, everybody is gonna remember you as the fake bitch or the fake bastard that nobody liked and if you were a snop then thats who you'll be remembered strong and stay true to YOU!

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